VAPA LA BOULE NOIRE PARIS17|11|23 TECHNO | FRANCE / ALLEMAGNE COMMANDITAIRE VAPA / Uni-T PROJET VAPA concert at La Boule Noire on November 17, 2023 MISSION Concert promotion OUTILS
BORIS BREJCHA Zenith PARIS27|10|23 TECHNO | ALLEMAGNE COMMANDITAIRE Wart PROJET Boris Brejcha concert on October 27, 2023 at the Zenith in Paris MISSION Concert promotion OUTILS Or
MEUTE ZENITH (PARIS)04/24/23 ELECTRO POP | DANEMARK COMMANDITAIRE Wart PROJET Meute concert on 24 Arvil 2023 at the Zénith in Paris MISSION Concert promotion OUTILS Targeted organ
Jekyll Wood
JEKYLL WOOD chill rock | Tours Instagram Facebook Youtube Spotify Deezer Apple BIOGRAPHIE JEKYLL WOOD takes us on a haunting, sophisticated and bewitching interior road trip, on th
NTO Zenith PARIS02|04|22 TECHNO | FRANCE COMMANDITAIRE Wart PROJET NTO Show on April 02, 2022 at the Zenith in Paris MISSION Concert promotion OUTILS Organic, Advertising DURÉE 9